Promod case study

Promod étude de cas

Fondée en 1975, Promod est une marque française de prêt-à-porter féminin, dont le siège social est basé dans le nord de la France à Marcq-en-Barœul. Aujourd’hui présente dans plus de 50 pays, l’entreprise s’appuie sur un réseau de 854 magasins sur le territoire et à l’international. Dès 1990, l’entreprise conquiert le marché européen et ouvre son premier magasin en Arabie Saoudite en 1999, pour s’étendre ensuite au reste Moyen Orient. Toujours en 1999, précurseur sur son marché, Promod ouvre son premier site E-commerce. A partir de 2006, la marque s’implante en Asie. 2013 voit l’ouverture de magasins aux Etats-Unis et en Grande-Bretagne.

En 2014, Promod choisit la solution Recommend™ de RichRelevance pour automatiser son système de recommandation jusque-là limité à des processus manuels laborieux et limités en pertinence. La solution déployée permet de collecter toutes les données du catalogue comportant plus de 1 500 produits, ainsi que la totalité des comportements de navigation et d’achats sur l’ensemble des canaux digitaux et physiques.

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Luxury Department Store Case Study

This luxury speciality department store looked to increase conversion rates on category pages through dynamically generated personalized product lists.  Shoppers experienced more relevant products based on historical views, clicks, purchases and searches resulting in significant revenue lift compared to non-personalized category pages.



Disrupt Your Market Webinar

As retailers battle to gain customer loyalty, their main differentiator in today’s competitive market is the customer experience that’s tailored to each shopper. This begs the question of how do you ensure that your customer experience is superior to your competitor’s? How do you keep customers coming back again and again?

The first step to winning the hearts and minds of your customers is to develop and nurture long lasting relationships by leveraging your big and small data to identify not only global consumer trends, but also trends of a single customer to respond in real-time. Join us to dig deep into the omnichannel Relevance Cloud™’s vast array of personalization possibilities and learn how you too can disrupt your own market.

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Demystifying Omnichannel

Join Diane Kegley, CMO of RichRelevance, and Gustavo Gomez, Director of Research and Methodology at Envirosell, the consumer behavior research and consulting firm, as they discuss the key success factors for enriching omnichannel experiences and outline a 100-day plan for adopting omnichannel in your business.

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Mobile Personalization Master Class

Join RichRelevance and our special guest, Dennis Williams, mobile UX expert, who led mobile site and app development for the “ of South Africa,” Learn the basics of mobile personalization–the first step in giving your mobile conversion a boost in engagement and revenue.

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Accelerating Product Discovery

Using Discover™, the Personalized Search and Browse product in the Relevance Cloud™, retailers can seamlessly surface the most relevant products on their most prominent real estate as a shopper “walks” through the online store. It’s as if the virtual shelves are being rearranged in real-time so that relevant products appear at the top of search and browse pages.

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